Phone icon with the emergency number 000 written beneath it.
Phone icon for the police assistance line 131 444. Text reads 'Police Assistance Line for non-emergencies'
Icon for the National Anti-Scam Centre. Text below icon reads, 'Victim of a scam, or suspect a scam'
Crime Stoppers achieves one contact every two minutes resulting in 100 apprehensions every week.

Throughout 2019 someone contacted Crime Stoppers every two minutes to share information about an array of unsolved crimes and suspicious activity, leading to an average of 100 apprehensions by police every week across the nation.

In releasing its annual results, Crime Stoppers Australia Chair, Ms Diana Forrester thanked all Australians for putting their trust in the preeminent information reporting service and actively contributing to a safer community.

“We want people to keep sharing what they know about all types of crime or suspicious activity – whether it is something that impacts their street or suburb or an entire state or territory. Every piece of information can make a real difference,” Ms Forrester said.

“People don’t need to provide formal evidence of a crime or get involved in any court proceedings – they just need to know that if something doesn’t feel right or they only have a suspicion about something then they can still share what they know without having to say who they are,” she said.

“People stepping up is more important than ever during the current pandemic, and we want everyone to be the eyes and ears of their community – whether that’s contacting us about a break-in on a local business, drug dealing nearby, robbery, property damage or more. We want information about all types of crimes and any suspicious activity.”

By contacting Crime Stoppers in 2019, people directly contributed to a total of 18,686 charges being laid by police which included arrests for murder, armed hold-ups, drug manufacturing and dealing, serious fraud and more.

2019 Results

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