Phone icon with the emergency number 000 written beneath it.
Phone icon for the police assistance line 131 444. Text reads 'Police Assistance Line for non-emergencies'
Icon for the National Anti-Scam Centre. Text below icon reads, 'Victim of a scam, or suspect a scam'

In November, Crime Stoppers Tasmania launched the Strategic Plan for 2023-2026.

The Strategic Plan is a compass that will guide the organisation toward a safer and more secure community. It encapsulates who we are, what we do, our objectives, and the goals that drive us. Developed in collaboration with Tasmanian consulting company 2PM Services, Directors and staff, this plan is the result of collaborative sessions focused on redefining our mission, vision and values, reminding us of our core identity, and igniting our strategic outcomes and goals, crafting a roadmap that merges our purpose with action.

Our vision of creating a safer Tasmania is supported by a strong strategic framework, encompassing Organisational Sustainability, Reporting Systems and Information, and Public Engagement.

Crime Stoppers Tasmania continues to grow our impact, with an increase in reports received and greater community use of our online reporting portal. Crime Stoppers Tasmania’s community reports contribute to 30% of Tasmania Police’s intelligence holdings.

Thank you to our partners, sponsors and supporters, who make our important program possible.


Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026

CST Strategic Plan 2023-2026