Phone icon with the emergency number 000 written beneath it.
Phone icon for the police assistance line 131 444. Text reads 'Police Assistance Line for non-emergencies'
Icon for the National Anti-Scam Centre. Text below icon reads, 'Victim of a scam, or suspect a scam'

Crime Stoppers Tasmania has launched a campaign to tackle the illicit drug trade across the State. It’s part of a nationwide campaign thanks to an Australian Government grant.

This new Crime Stoppers campaign calls on people who know something about the illicit drug trade in Tasmania to report information anonymously. This information will assist Tasmania Police to disrupt the supply of illegal drugs into and around the State and also work with other law enforcement agencies to break the supply of illicit drugs.

Crime Stoppers Tasmania Chair, Mr David Daniels OAM, says research shows that drugs remain the number one crime concern of Australians. “We need the community’s help to disrupt the drug trade and reduce the high harm caused by drugs in our community,” says Mr Daniels.

“Nearly half of Australians have witnessed or heard about illegal activity, according to Crime Stoppers’ research. These members of the community can play a vital role by sharing what they know with Crime Stoppers, and can stay anonymous if they wish,” says Mr Daniels.

In some way, every family in Australia has been impacted by drugs; whether it’s directly by losing a loved one to addiction, or indirectly because of the significant health and social costs to the community.

Tasmania Police Assistant Commissioner Rob Blackwood said that Tasmania Police was committed to preventing the importation and distribution of illicit substances in our state.

“That’s why Tasmania Police welcomes the opportunity to take part in today’s launch of Crime Stoppers National Illicit Drugs Campaign, which aims to encourage and empower the community to report information relating to illicit drugs to Crime Stoppers,” Assistant Commissioner Blackwood said.

“We are well staffed and equipped to target this type of offending – which is demonstrated by our recent seizures and prosecutions, such as the 30-year-old man who was charged with trafficking following an interception at Hobart Airport earlier this month where $112,000 worth of methylamphetamine was located.


“We work closely with Australia Post, airports and the Spirit of Tasmania and other partners such as the Australian Federal Police and Australian Border Force to ensure that our sea, air and mail corridors are not exploited by those wanting to profit from drug distribution.

“We actively investigate any tip offs or intelligence and conduct our operations accordingly, and of course we monitor repeat offenders very closely,” said Assistant Commissioner Blackwood.

Contacting Crime Stoppers anonymously means the criminals will never know who spoke up.  “We want to know what you know, not who you are,” added Mr Daniels.

The Crime Stoppers Illicit Drugs Campaign will continue until September 2023 with advertising across Tasmania to be a major focus.

We encourage Tasmanians to contact Crime Stoppers with any information on criminal activity or suspicious behaviour on or 1800 333 000.

This campaign is an Australian Government Initiative