Crime Stoppers Tasmania’s tips are 35% higher compared to this time last year, but still more information from the community is needed to support Tasmania Police in their investigations

Crime Stoppers Tasmania is on target this year to receive around 2,000 more community tips compared to 2022. The information that is provided by the community via Crime Stoppers contributes significantly to Tasmania Police’s information holdings.

With an increase in motor vehicle crimes, those criminals involved are going to be in the headlights.

Crime Stoppers Tasmania Chair, Mr David Daniels OAM said as Crime Stoppers Week launches this year, Tasmanians are encouraged to remember the value their tip can have when they choose to take action.

“The increase in tips from the community to Crime Stoppers is uplifting. It is a clear signal that people have had enough of those criminally minded in our community looking to make a quick buck at their expense”, Mr Daniels said.

Current data indicates that there is a need for more community information on vehicle related crime and Crime Stoppers Week aims to put those criminals involved in the headlights.

“Crime Stoppers Week is focused on vehicle related crime, as we have seen an opportunity to focus our efforts to support Tasmania Police to deliver their ‘back to basics’ policing model”, said Mr Daniels.

“At Crime Stoppers Tasmania we know we can support Tasmania Police’s ‘back to basics’ policing model by encouraging and facilitating more information from the community.

“It is a team effort that keeps Tasmania safe. Our law enforcement, our community and Crime Stoppers Tasmania all working together to combat crime”, Mr Daniels said.

Crime Stoppers Week is designed to raise awareness about what everyone can do to combat criminal activity. Crime Stoppers Tasmania is central to this effort because intelligence provided by the community through Crime Stoppers is a powerful weapon for our Police.

If Tasmanians see or hear something that doesn’t seem right, we encourage them to speak up by reporting what they know at or by phoning 1800 333 000.

Let’s stop vehicle related crime this Crime Stoppers Week.

Thank you to our Crime Stoppers Week Event Sponsor

  • Lions Clubs of Tasmania

Thank you to our partners

  • Tasmania Police
  • Federal Group
  • Motorola Solutions

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